Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Natural Disater My Ass

            An Aluminum plant in Hungary created a “natural catastrophe” in Ajka Tuesday.  That human error was about as natural as the oil spill in the Gulf. 
            Hungary’s toxic red sludge flowed over several towns ruining homes, plant life, animal life, and human lives.  The toxic burned victims though their soaked clothes.  The company should have burned through some more money to prevent this horrible example of human interference with nature from happening.   
            Companies are wrong to treat animal life with such little regard but to not care about human life either will not do.  Companies that deal with potentially hazardous elements need to be held to a higher standard than the rest to prevent so called “natural catastrophes” that really are the result of poor planning, regulating, and caring for the environment.  If they can't do it, get out of business.  The world literally would be a better place without them.
            How dare humans damage the Earth with no reserve?  Who will hold humans to standards to protect the planet?  It can only withstand human inhabitants for so long before breaking.
            Environmental Affairs State Secretary Zoltan Illes tries to be one of the ones holding them responsible.  He showed concern for the people effected by the toxic flood but concern isn’t enough.  Concern won’t bring back the animals effected by the red sludge and oil oil spill.
            If we continue to use and abuse our world, pouring our filth upon it, killing humans and every part of the environment, quality of life for all will lesson.  And we did it to ourselves.
            The toxic red mud flooded towns but only after bursting thought the Ajkai Timfoldgyar Zrt Plant’s containment reservoir.
            If humans cannot find a way to live on this earth without destroying it with their technological advances, we should go back to a time before oil drilling and refining aluminum.  Think about it; having a planet to support life, or aluminum?
            At least Hungary recognized the importance of trying to contain the flood by pouring tons of plaster into nearby rivers to prevent the toxic mud from getting to the Danube River.  This river is a major European waterway that would cause more deaths and damages to the environment.
           But even our fixes are hurting the planet.  We can't do anything right as long as the prevention measures still are held to such low standards.  Get them right business world.  The planet will thank you.
            Illes suspended activity in the plant and ordered the company to repair the damaged reservoir, but the damage is already done.
            The mud mud flood is "a by-product of alumina production. The thick, highly alkaline substance has a caustic effect on the skin. The sludge contains heavy metals, such as lead, and is slightly radioactive."
            So far the death count is four but the injuries grow as the toxin seeps through contaminated skin.  We can never measure the impact the ever too common “natural catastrophes” have on the toll of the earth’s life expectancy.  The gulf is still showing more negative effects from the oil spill.  Hungary is just another part of the world crippled by human negligent and lack of power to control manmade involvement with nature.  

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