Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Love Is In The Air maybe"

Went to a fancy wedding this weekend and it was obvious they had the $ to spend.  But can we buy happiness?
The phrase "Love is in the air" makes it seem like its this mythical love-bug swarming around to bite you and Cupid is carefully planning as he floats by you choosing your soul mate.
That's just not the case.  Love is real, deep-down feelings backed by commitment.
True dedication to the one in your heart is to crawl over broken glass just to put another piece of ice in your drink (but not letting them, its enough just to know they would for you).
Love is a verb, not a noun, but romance is a totally different creature.
Romance is not just buying a present for the anniversary, its picking flowers by hand and making a reason to make the night special.  No one wants a date on the calender to hold the only special moments and then wait another year for such an occasion- make it an addiction that you love to feed.  Take off the stopwatch keeping count of when you must leave.
Being romantic means making the cheesy sweet dates fun, personal, and unforgettable.
Walking though the woods on a fall evening with the leaves changing right in front of you because time has slowed down so much when a couple is together-that's romance. 
When you are wrapped up into each other that nothing else matters.  It could pour down rain and the night couldn't have been any more perfect. 
Now the thing that makes the romances keel over is not trying.  It should be like a job that you love.  It's work, but so much fun you don't notice you're working.  And the paycheck is having forever with the one you are crazy about.  Plus there are always those hidden promotion bonuses once your love grows from one stage of love to the other.
Show them you care daily.  Turn the heater on even when you're sweating but your loved one is freezing.
Romance is spur of the moment changes in plans and spontaneous mistakes but also the planned out perfect dinner to sweep that one off their feet who would appreciate such effort.  The important thing is to be sincere, in everything.
If anything, romance is effort and appreciating it from one another, but if all else fails; KISS, and kiss often.  Sometimes nature walks, searching for shooting-stars, and simply intimate alone-time is all the romance needed.

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