Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Apologize in Hell

Being Right is All That Matters--Rule #1

The way to prey on the hearts of others for them to follow your every command is to be right, always (even if you aren't). 

The Small Battles Matter--Rule #2 

Without an everyday reminder, they forget how overwhelmingly correct you always are.  So the saying "pick your battles" isn't relevant when trying to hold the power in a relationship.  Always challenge, never let one rest.  That makes you soft.

Use Apologies Sparingly--Rule #3

Saying you're sorry is far over-rated.  There are formulas to form apologies and people consider it an art (there is also the art of lying--connections?). 

The only time an apology is appropriate is when something happens by accident.  Why would someone be expected to be sorry for something they did on purpose and planned to do?  That would be fake to think someone was sorry for the way they truly are and always will be.  An ingredient to an apology is to promise to try to never do it again, which isn't possible if it was on purpose so why give just a temporary fix?

Apologies from the master politian, Bill Clinton, give examples of how you can buy the trust and respect from a whole country just by presenting them with the correct arrangement of words no matter the real intentions.

To be in control of the power, one must believe in what they are saying is the right and the only way.  If you don't believe you are completely right in your behavior and thoughts, how can you convince anyone else? 

A strong leader is one that leaves no doubt in their judgment.  To hold the power, you must demand the power.  This creates a relationSHIT for half of the party, but go back to Rule #1...Being Right is All That Matters.

Get realistic, be apologetic for the uncontrollables.  For everything else, adjust to them or find someone else you can conform into your apologetic puppet.

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